Applied Music Theory is a fun new six-week course offered by the Roth Academy of Music for anyone who wants to learn how music theory skills can help them be a better performer, improve their musicianship, or even explore songwriting. If you are a musician and you have always wanted to understand music theory but found online materials confusing and didn’t understand how music theory relates to you, our instructor can help show you how theory principles can be applied to your unique music goals whether they are professional or just for fun.

Six one-hour classes $240  – Click here for more info

From classical to theater, and rock to pop: This class is for anyone who loves to perform and/or write music but has not had college music theory classes.  No Experience is necessary. (Ages 16 & up)

  • Understand how developing your music theory knowledge can be applied to your personal goals and make you a better performer
  • Explore contemporary chord progressions and discover the basics of chord structure
  • Digest music theory through contemporary song analysis and active listening
  • Dive into the basics of scale theory and note relationships, and how they relate to performance, songwriting, and improvisation